sweet hudson,
our first born
the one because of whom we were first given the names, daddy and mommy
the one who changed our lives forever
who taught us how to love more deeply
and because of whom, we have a greater understanding of the Father's love for us...
you are truly a gift from the Lord.
you are loved.
you are cherished.
being the first born
there are different burdens you will bear
but we know God has equipped you for what He has called you to.
your world is about to change
and you are about to receive one of the greatest gifts...
a sibling
this sibling will be a tool the Lord can use to teach you the world is not about you
to help you learn the importance of sharing
to love through anything
how to forgive
how to put others before yourself.
this is just the beginning of all that you can learn...
but, oh the joy you will find in having a best friend who understands you in ways
others never will
a bond only you two will understand.
i knew i would love being a mother,
but i never knew how deep my love would be for you.
a son,
one who brings so much joy into my life.
you are more than i ever dreamed of.
hudson, you are your father's son in so many ways.
you have a heritage.
it seems as though you already have a gift for music,
a passion which many cannot understand.
the bond between you and your father is one of the sweetest things i have ever seen.
i can only imagine it is a glimpse of our Father's love for His Son.
and to think this Son was given, so that we might have life.
we are so undeserving.
hudson, you truly are loved.
Lord, thank you for a gift that we are so undeserving of.
he is yours
and we know we are only stewards of him.
and now our lives are about to change again.
there is so much excitement surrounding the expected arrival of this sweet little one
something sacred about a baby being born
the gift of life
from the only One who gives life
only God knows if this baby is a boy or a girl
only He knows what name shall be given
He has knit you together in my womb,
and with anticipation we wait
to see you
to hold you
to know you
and to continue to love you.
you have been dreamed of
hoped for
prayed for
and loved before you have ever even been known.