After the game, I walked around and so many memories came rushing back. Every corner of the campus holds different memories for me. I think sometime soon Travis and I are going to make a date of just walking around the school and remembering together.
There is really nothing like the college experience at a small Christian university. Travis and I met there, fell in love there, and we met most of our best friends. The depth of those friendships is something I will always cherish and as we get older I cherish them even more. I look back on our time at school and I am reminded about how much growth happened in both us during our college years. I am excited to share with Hudson the story of how we met and fell in love, the pranks Travis was a part of, how they got back at him for those pranks, the times we led worship together, the classes that taught us so much and gave as an even deeper hunger for God, the events we went to, the friends we made, the roommates we had, Travis' time in the band Vermeer, my trip to India and Europe, and so much more.
We started having breakfast at my friend Ally's house and then we were off to run a 5K with some of my girlfriends and our boys. I hadn't ran in months, so it felt good to get outside and exercise. On a side note, one of the things I have always wanted to do is run a half marathon. My sister, Brooke and I are training to run one this summer and this run was my first day of training. I got new running shoes for Christmas from a place that takes about 20 minutes to analyze the way you run, the shape of your foot, etc. and then they fit you for shoes. I have never worn a pair of running shoes that fit better than the ones I have now. It definitely makes a difference.
On Sunday, we went to my sister Brittany's church. It was awesome to see what God is doing through their church. They definitely have a community of believers who live life together as they strive to live lives honoring to the Lord. After church we had a barbeque with family and the Hofschroer's.
*Trever... we had what you refer to as "Taylor's majesty" and it was delicious;)
Since Travis didn't get back until late on Valentine's Day, we decided to celebrate on Monday. We woke up and went for a run along the beach and afterwards breakfast at one of our favorite spots across from the pier.
And lastly, yesterday was Travis' brother, Brandon's birthday so we had him over for dinner to celebrate. We made homemade gluten free pizza and then regular pizza. The regular pizza was very irregularly shaped. I couldn't seem to get the dough to roll out into a nice circular shape. It gave me a new respect for pizza makers ;)