Monday, November 2, 2009

Captain Hook, Tiger Lily, and one of the lost boys...aka the bear

I have a lot to catch up on.  Travis' family came in town for a week, we had Hudson's baby dedication, went to Brandon's senior recital, started Hudson on solid foods and I have had a job change.  I will get to all of that later, but for now here are a few pictures from Halloween.

We went to a costume party at Brooke and Trever's house.  We decided to dress up with a theme... so Travis was Captain Hook, I was Tiger Lily and Hudson went as one of the lost boys from Peter Pan.... aka the bear.  We ate chili, handed out candy, and just enjoyed the company of family and friends.

Today we took Hudson to the park to get a few pictures of him in his costume.

My sisters... Brooke was one of the "Black Eyed Peas"...haha

Brianne was a lufa and Josh was the soap... sooo creative

Caleb was just gross... his shirt said "Vanguard Alumni"

Talyor was "Burt" and Brittany and their dog, Bailey were bees... so they were "Burt's Bees"

Hudson and I trick or treating

Bryan and Taylor with their Bernice Mountain dogs... classic shot of them;)

Cute little Hudson


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! (But you can't bait us like that, and then leave us haning!) :)

The Hofschroer's said...

Loving all the pictures. Sorry we weren't feeling up to going! Looks like it was so much fun!

Anonymous said...
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